Maybe you don’t have to optimise everything
How much is too much personal optimisation?
How much is too much personal optimisation?
edited Feb 15. Jan 20, a few chapters in.The first thing that struck me about this story, one which I have to admit…
An so the reading journey begins.
Imagine if people stopped using violence as a way of fixing their insecurities and issues. Imagine if we all believed that violence wasn’t…
Imagine what our world might be like if everyday every child in every school, meditated on arrival at school for 30 minutes and for 30 minutes before they left.
It is easy to forget that many people don’t like change. As someone who thrives on change in some areas, I forget that for many people they prefer their habits and ruts particular in regard to work.
I got to see the end result of a few new processes and approaches today as we released a new project. It was…
A post recently caught my attention and it has been burning in my head ever since. A wake up call or a reminder…
I don’t know why in the last week or two this book I would have read about 10 odd years ago popped back…